by Brian Whitaker | 05.24.16 | advice, benefit, content, LinkedIn, market testing, marketing, product marketing, sales, trends
“The best check of someone’s intelligence is to see whether he generalizes from a single data point.” As the AMA recently pointed out, marketing is fraught with challenges, from uncovering growth to dealing with digital transformation. But reading the article,...
by brianw | 07.09.14 | advice, benefit, freelancer, marketing, sales, solopreneur
I have a long-standing client. We get along well, I provide value, they’re typically happy with my work, and I’m glad for the relationship. But, for the past six months or so, something’s changed. Their marketing organization is trapped in the...
by brianw | 06.24.14 | content, market testing, marketing, sales
Years ago, a grumpy old professor of mine provocatively said, “The best check of a man’s intelligence is to see whether he generalizes from a single data point.” What am I talking about? I’m talking about making a decision based on one...
by brianw | 06.20.14 | benefit, content, market testing, marketing, product marketing, sales, Uncategorized
My oldest daughter is a born product manager. This morning, she took scrap bamboo, a saw, a hand drill, and safety glasses, and went to work at my workbench, making bamboo flutes to sell, door to door. Seems like an eccentric activity, right? I think it’s...
by brianw | 06.19.14 | content, education, marketing, prospects, sales
I’m a lucky guy. I’ve worked with about sixteen or seventeen technology companies, from startup to Fortune 500. And as I’ve been hired to copywrite content, I’ve noticed something pretty obvious. Companies have content marketing styles and they like...
by brianw | 06.18.14 | content, sales
Lately, I’ve been thinking about how product limitations influence the sales process. When I was taught storage sales, years ago, I had a “qualification process”, based on IBM’s BANT, drummed into my head. Is the prospect a decision-maker? Does the prospect have...