Zettabyte Content helps you tell your stories in a world that’s obsessed with data, consumed by noise, and plagued with mediocrity. Here’s what we’ve learned.
Dell: From Blueprint to Cement, Part 1
FULL DISCLOSURE: I finished my Dell career in April 2012, but this article is based solely on publicly available information and a little reflection. Yesterday, Dell announced a $60 million venture fund to invest in start-up storage companies. You can read the...
Marketing campaign
In a nod to traditional approaches, I'm considering a postcard campaign to 250 marketing directors. At the moment, this is the very rough layout that's floating to the top of the pile. Who thinks it's great? Who thinks it's crap? I'd love to know...
Disruptive Performance
For years in mid-range primary block storage, architectures were much the same. Two controllers, active/passive or active/active, loops of backend connectivity connected to boxes of disk. And performance, so the vendors would tell you, was much the same. After all,...
Why Do Coffeeshops Matter to Creative Types?
I'm a coffee aficionado. Grinder, fresh refrigerated beans, two coffee presses, one drip coffeemaker, one espresso machine, and an entire countertop comprise my coffee station at home. But I've rarely been one to work in coffeeshops. I do it now and again, but...
Human connections
In my last post, I asked a basic question about whether we should market the product...or market the experience. There are advocates for both positions. This is one of the most concise and interesting ways of making that point. The video of course makes many other...
Things and people?
I've been looking at a lot of storage marketing lately, and I'm identified two poles of marketing that are widespread across the industry. You might call the poles technical marketing and consumer marketing. In general, you can clearly identify these poles if you...